Every industry has its own jargon, a set of words or phrases that are instantly understood when relayed to another from the same industry, even if the meaning is lost on the average person. Data science is no different. The …
I had the pleasure of attending the Block Career Center’s Virtual Midwest Career Trip on November 19, and here are just a few of the amazing insights shared by alumni panelists from Cargill, Compass/E15, Kellogg, and the Wallace Center at …
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, most people in the United States didn’t think very much about public health. But now that terms like “epidemiology” and “social distancing” have been added to everyone’s vocabulary list, you might be thinking more than ever …
Job searching is a grind. And the longer you’re at it, the worse it seems to get. It can be so discouraging to put yourself out there and get rejected over and over again or be met with radio silence.
The Data Labs, TTS Research Technology, Digital Design Studio (DDS), Tisch Library, Ginn Library, Hirsh Health Sciences Library the StAAR Center, and the Data-Intensive Studies Center (DISC) provide a variety of workshops on geospatial technologies, statistics, data science, programming, media …