Professional Development Funding

The Block Career Center is pleased to offer funding to Friedman School students in need of supplemental aid for professional development activities. These funds are meant to offset some costs of related activities and are not guaranteed to cover all costs.

If you would like to receive funding in pursuit of a professional development activity, please thoroughly complete this form.

Block Career Center Professional Development Funding


What can the funding be used for?

  • Conference, workshop, seminar, or training fees (general participation or travel costs).
  • Student membership to professional organizations related to nutrition, food, or affiliated industries. Examples are: American Society of Nutrition (ASN), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (FNCE), American Public Health Association (APHA), and Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM).
  • Costs related to promoting research at conferences (abstract submission, poster printing, etc.). Please contact your academic department for assistance with costs related to publication in journals and other professional periodicals.
  • Other activities, pending approval from the Block Career Center.

Who is eligible for funding?

All students seeking funding must be enrolled at the Friedman School at the current time. If you are a dual degree student and currently enrolled at a different Tufts school, you are ineligible. Eligibility is not based on citizenship or visa status.

Is there a maximum amount of funding I can receive?

Funding is capped at $300 per student, per year. There is no limit to the number of times a student can apply for funding, however this amount cannot exceed $300/year.

I completed the form. Now what?

Email to make him aware of your submission. You can expect to hear back in 3-5 days outlining your allotted financial support and next steps.