Friedman community members leverage their diplomatic, military, and NGO experiences when leading international development and humanitarian efforts. Some work behind the scenes with aid policy and strategy, while others serve on the front lines of program implementation and aid delivery. Still others contribute expertise to research, assessment, and evaluation with a focus on continual improvement. They make a difference in international public health agencies such as WHO, USAID, Oxfam International, and the World Food Programme in positions ranging from Nutrition Consultant and Public Health Advisor to International Research Analyst and Food Security Advisor. 

5 Common Global Development CV Mistakes

Entire books can be — and have been — written about what not to do when applying to a job.

Much of the advice is expected and applies to a wide range of industries — global development included. Always customize your CV. Keep …

By Beth Jameson, MA
Beth Jameson, MA Administrative Coordinator
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Information as Primary Care: Addressing Global Health and Humanitarian Aid’s Big Data Problem

The humanitarian sector, particularly the field of global health, is rich with data. The appetite for global health and humanitarian data has grown exponentially with the introduction of digital tools. NGOs regularly report big data numbers about the millions of …

By Lori Rodriguez, EdM
Lori Rodriguez, EdM Associate Director of Career Services
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The 4 Kinds of Experience You Need on Your Resume

Job postings by social-impact employers often come with a big list of must-have skills. After all, these employers are looking for people who can solve some pretty tough challenges.

But other than soft skills, what kind of experience and technical …

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Prior to your appointment, we strongly encourage you to utilize VMock and …