Always keep in mind that your resume is above all else a marketing piece. And what you are marketing is YOURSELF – your specific skills, focus and credentials to demonstrate your proven ability to execute a specific role. Just like with …
Welcome to our Featured Employer series where we feature different companies/organizations in the food, nutrition, and public health field! At the end of last month, the Block Career Center hosted an Employer Information Session with Mathematica.
What does Mathematica do?
Food literacy, the understanding that food choices affect human and planetary health, can be an important tool for building resilient individuals and communities. A combination of nutrition knowledge, culinary skill, food systems awareness, and behavioral change, food literacy is a …
Welcome to our Featured Employer series where we feature different companies/organizations in the food, nutrition, and public health field!
What does Indigo do?
Indigo developed an integrated business platform for different stakeholders in the agriculture industry to promote the sustainability …
Welcome to our Featured Employer series where we feature different companies/organizations in the food, nutrition, and public health field!
What do they do?
The Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) is one of the largest research …